Thursday, October 28, 2010


The wheels on which this body runs are freshly greased and greatly worn

From start till end the week goes on, tightly knit into the next

No full stops, just short breaks, pauses result from overload

When thoughts wander, hours later, I find myself lost in something unrelated

Distractions of my wants for things, restricted to my student status

Priorities of student life yield not to socializing nor to experiences longed for

Once my degree has been achieved, once post-secondary is behind me: hope

It floats sweetly near this end: hope

A pause, long enough to embrace what I have been yearning

Maybe then breath can find its way back into my lungs, winding in and out of passage ways

Maybe then the neediness of studying can be forgotten, draining hours

Devoted to achieving an end

Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Cat?

Dear Interwebs,

So for the past little while, Prince Beau has grown to love Elise and I... or so I believe.

Nothing evil as of late, although...

Well last week was the peak of my disgusting ill-being and one of the mornings Beau decided to wake me up in a meowing manner, but with a twist?

Beau: Meow
Me: *opens one eye* *grunts*
Beau: Meow *moves closer*
Me: *grunts* *closes eye*
Beau: Meow *bumps my nose with his*
Me: *opens both eyes* What do you want?

Cute right?

Not so much.

Up until this point we thought the cat was accidentally falling into the toilet when jumping up to the sink to get water. How very wrong we were!!! A couple of days after him waking me up like so I found him front paws first with his head plunging into the toilet bowl!!!

Disgusting, filthy CREATURE!

Sunday (yesterday)
I was the only one home and for the first time since moving into this place I got to sleep in! Beau cuddled with me the entire night. Very well behaved!

Except... when I woke up the first time (around 7:45am) I realized I was freezing because all of my sheets were bunched under him and a few things had fallen off on his side of the bed. And this is a single mattress, so there is NOT a lot of room!

Anyways, I went to use the toilet, firmly shutting the lid so Beau couldn't get anymore Eau de Toilette. After crawling back into bed and re-accumulating my covers and sheets I slept for two more hours and Beau nestled himself next to me.

Until the next Prince Beau experience

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Beau Bloggin'

Dear Interwebs,

Very tiny occurrence while doing laundry the other day...

So I decided that I would do my load of laundry as well as my roomy's and wash both of our beds' sheets, but of course, Prince Beau was lounging on Elise's bed. I tell him that I'll be taking my sheets off the bed first but then he'll have to move when I take off the other bed sheets. However, when I asked him to switch beds he just looked at me and started wagging his tail. Eventually I just threw one of the sheets over him and he leapt off the bed.


As I was folding the first load of laundry on my bed the cat ran into the room and jumped on my bed, leapt to Elise's bed, dramatically threw himself onto his back and proceeded to HISS at me. Then he jumped up again and leapt back to my bed and ran out of the room.

I texted, Elise, and told her that if the cat started walking on the ceiling I was going to call a priest because I thought it was possibly possessed.

Interesting... very interesting, I say.

Till next time the next hissy-fit.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Introducing Beau (aka Angus the transexual cat)

Dear Interwebs,

It has now been 2 weeks since we started living in this house with this cat and it has been decided, between my room mate (Elise) & I, that we MUST blog about this cat, so let me introduce him:

Beau is a 10 year old male cat with long-ish grey hair. He is very vocal with his meowing and very persistent in getting what he wants! This cat meows at you to follow him then shows you what he wants. He also knows how to open doors (he jumps and grabs the door handle). My room mate and I also believe that the cat is bi-polar, as he will meow at you to get attention and be pet but then turn around 2 minutes later and nip at your fingers. The lady who helps the home-owner organize her house told us that the reason his left ear is ripped is because he got into a fight with a raccoon and lost. This is only one bit of evidence of his evilness.

So I will explain our living situation first. The house is an older build in a nice neighbourhood and the only thing up to date in the house is the electrical... sort of. So my roomy and I leave Beau to his own room, therefore we share a room with side by side single beds. So we are in close quarters. I should also mention that my room mate and I like to burst out into random loud song and we meow at the cat and talk in creepy cat-lady voices to the cat, so really we kind of encourage his evil.

Anyways, we met Beau 2 weeks ago and since then he's made it clear that he is upset with his mummy leaving him with two strange university girls.

How has he shown this?The first evening we spent, we left our door open so Beau could roam freely through the night. That was a big mistake. He decided that at 5:40 in the morning he would wake us up to show us he wanted to go outside. My room mate told him off and went back to bed. Then at 6:45 he walked around my pillow and made me follow him, again showing me to the door. I then jumped back into bed and ignored him... or tried to.

He has also thrown up a lot since we've lived here, which the organizing lady told us he does everytime the home-owner leaves. It's not so bad cleaning that up because it's usually all solid and not very liquidy... unless it's tuna. So dry barf is twice and as of this morning he had two more but liquidy.

There were a few accidents which were not his fault but yesterday morning was an interesting one. I went to the bathroom first and he opened the bathroom door on me. Next my room mate went to the bathroom and he opened the door on her as well. We then went and ate breakfast then proceeded to brush our teeth. Loe and behold we found some gorgeous dense present in our bathroom sink. It's safe to say that neither my room mate or I decided against brushing our teeth after that stunt.

I am not sure what else this cat will pull on us, but he can be cute and then he pulls out his evil.

Until next devil's spawn cat stunt.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Awesssssssssssss sappy wappy awesome

Dear Interwebs,

Here is a quote

“You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before; she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She’s not perfect - you aren’t either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don’t hurt her, don’t change her, don’t analyze and don’t expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she’s not there."
-Bob Marley

and I got it off some girl's facebook page because I creep on everyone... I'm sorry
